Hands On
Experience real relief with our hands-on treatments. We employ a variety of advanced manual therapy techniques—from osteopathic-based manual therapy and manipulations, to myofascial release, pelvic floor therapy, craniosacral therapy, visceral mobilization and more. We also incorporate stabilization, movement, and activity- and sport-specific retraining into your treatment
Individualized Attention
You and your body are unique, and that’s why we don’t believe in cookie-cutter therapy. To serve you best, we treat each patient for a full hour in a private treatment room. We listen to what is important to you and apply our advanced, evidence-based knowledge and years of experience to help you meet your goals.
MDPTWC physical therapy programs start with an initial evaluation. Here, we listen to the history of your injuries, investigate the involved areas, and develop a plan of care that precisely reflects your needs. The plan involves feedback from the patient at every turn, we are a team here.
Arthritis and rheumatologic problems
Vertigo and other balance disorders
Pain caused by neurological problems
Chronic or severe headaches and migraines
Musculoskeletal disorders
Neck, shoulder, and arm pain, including carpal tunnel and tennis elbow
Foot and ankle pain
Lower back pain
Muscle and joint pain
TMJ dysfunction
Neuromuscular Reeducation: prescribed exercises that are performed to result in the improvement of balance, coordination, kinesthetic sense, posture, and/or proprioception for functional activities.
The oldest art of healing, manual therapy includes a vast assortment of treatment techniques where the therapist will, by definition, lay on hands. From increasing the mobility of the spine with targeted and directed force, to stretching tightened ligaments in a frozen shoulder, manual therapy is one of the most versatile and effective means to improve a patient's outcome. By creating external forces upon the joint, bone, and muscle structures, your therapist can improve your condition in a way that exercise and stretching cannot. This mode of treatment also includes medical massage.
Myofascial Release: technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions; which may be as a result of trauma, inflammatory responses, or surgical procedures; to eliminate pain and restore motion. It is normally performed directly on skin; without oils, creams or tools, to enable the therapist to best detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release.
Visceral Manipulation: technique that incorporates gentle touch and works with the viscera and connective tissues in the body to improve organ mobility and function.
Craniosacral Therapy: technique that involves light touches on the bones in the skull (including the face and mouth), spine, and pelvis to release tension in the body and improve body movement.
Muscle Energy: technique that involves the therapist placing the patient into precise positions to enable the patient to perform gentle isometric contractions with goals including the normalization of joint dysfunction and increasing range of motion.
Strain Counterstrain: technique; also called positional release, that involves the therapist placing the patient into precise positions of ease that are typically held for 90 seconds with goal to relieve non-radiating tender points.
Acupressure: technique that involves the application of pressure; with the thumbs or fingertips, to specific pressure points on the body with goals such as tension or pain relief.
Gait Training: training specifically for maximum correction of abnormal gait (walk-ing) and safety during walking whether the cause be related to injury, surgery, or disease processes such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, or stroke.
Vestibular Rehabilitation: specific form of therapy designed to promote adaptation to and substitution for various aspects of deficits related to a wide variety of balance disorders. This training is effective in improving the functional deficits and subjective symptoms resulting from unilateral and bilateral peripheral vestibular hypo function as well as from central balance disorders.
Fall Prevention Program: individualized program for persons with histories of recurrent falls that included to analysis of the causes for falls and incorporation of interventions to minimize risk for future falls.
Home Exercise Program: individualized program assigned to patient to be per-formed at home to promote therapeutic effects both during attendance of physical therapy and after being discharged from physical therapy.
Total Joint Replacements
Ligament and tendon repairs
ORIF implants
Tendon Transfers
Spine surgery
Carpel tunnel
ACL, MCL and LCL repairs
Labral and Rotor cuff tears
And many others
Pre and post surgery physical therapy not only speeds up your recovery time, it also reduces the risk of re-injury. Our goal for your rehabilitation is to give you individualized treatment that allows you to return to normal activities. We want to not only get you to pre-surgery levels of function but to get you better than pre-surgery. Whether you would like to avoid surgery, are preparing for surgery, or have had surgery, let us shorten your road to recovery.
We can help you reduce your pain and increase your health.